The benefits of interning as a student
An internship is a huge opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills in any industry. However, I do feel that interning for a set period is particularly beneficial in PR as it exposes you to the many broad aspects that it has to offer. I also believe that completing an internship while still being a full-time student is important, as it allows you to put theory into practice, while it’s still fresh in your mind. It’s also a way of becoming more disciplined and focused, which can in turn positively influence your study habits.
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As a full-time student, I am extremely grateful that our third year comprises of theory as well as in-service training as it has allowed me to not only learn about the PR industry practically, but it has also showed me where my strengths and weaknesses lie. In my few months of interning, I have already discovered my niche in the PR industry and in my opinion, this proves how effective in-service training can be.
I feel that I excel most in the organisational and communication side of PR as opposed to the media placement side. I love communicating with different people all over South Africa, whether it be a receptionist in Johannesburg, to a magazine editor in Cape Town. I have a passion for organising so whenever I am given a task that involves planning I absolutely love it!
Here are some benefits of completing your PR internship whilst being a student:
- You can gain insight and skills about the industry that you wouldn’t have learnt anywhere else:
The skills and knowledge that you’ll gain whilst working in PR are infinite. I feel that if I hadn’t started this journey, I would still be stuck with textbook knowledge and no practical experience which, in this day and age is worthless.
- You can compile an evidence portfolio of your experiences:
Along with my in-service training, I have to provide evidence of my work that I have completed in the form of portfolios. I feel that these portfolios are not only an ‘assignment’ but also a possible guide that I can use in my near future.
- You will improve your confidence:
I have found that I am more confident in myself and in the work that I produce. It is important to remember that you can only gain confidence in your work if you ask and make sure that the work you are producing is correct and that you are on the right track. I have found that when I am assigned a task and I complete it well then it is an accomplishment for myself.
- You could potentially finish your internship with a full-time job:
Some companies are possibly looking to expand and at the end of your internship you could find yourself a full-time job. If you excel in your work and ensure that you’re dedicated and willing, then your employer may offer you a job at the end of your internship journey.
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The benefits listed above are definitely not the only perks of being an intern and full-time student – there are so many more! If you have any questions or comments or you want to chat about my PR intern experience – don’t hesitate to comment below!